Monday, December 19, 2011

Jewel # 100 (Dec 19, 2011)

"And they shall be Mine, saith the Lord of hosts,
in that day when I make up
(Malachi 3:17)

To my dear children & grandchildren,

Tiny Weather Forecasters

Where I live in Australia we are in a rainforest region.  Our summer is our wet season in the "underneath part of the world."

The official weather forecast for today was "continuing fair."  Now that is interesting since in the past nineteen hours we have had over six inches of rain!  Our weather people got it wrong.

We are watching something very interesting.  For the past few days ants have invaded our houses, which is not uncommon for this time of year.  In fact, there are so many we find them crawling everywhere.  They are looking for higher ground.  The little black ants scurry up and down the walls in long, busy lines, carrying their small eggs up higher to protect them from the water that will soon come.  They tuck their eggs in the cracks of the wall and even as high as the ceilings.  They know a time of trouble is coming, so wisely they take steps to be prepared.

We have also noticed over the past few days that the ant nests on the ground have had large lips built around them.  This is common too. These lips around the nests on the ground are built up like volcanoes around the entrances to keep water from running in.  Some lips are three to four inches high.  It all means rain is coming.

Sometimes I don't pay attention to what the weather bureau reports.  I watch the ants instead, for they know.  By watching the ants, I knew rain was on the way last night, but the people at the weather bureau with their highly specialized instruments got it wrong.  I don't ignore the weather people; it is just interesting to see that in the simplest of God's creatures there is an accuracy that man can't match.  Thinking of the amazing ways God's creation speaks to man, it is hard to understand how man can reject the God who is the Creator of it all.

I am reminded of the verse in Proverbs 6:6 that says, "Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise."  God has sent lessons for us in His creation, if we are willing to see them.  He has given these little ants some kind of an advance warning when the heavy rains are coming, and they obey these warnings.  God gives other creatures advance warning of winter coming with its fierce winds, cold temperatures, and shortness of food.  And they obey these warnings by migrating to warmer climates or storing food or hibernating. 

God has also given you advance warning of coming punishment for your sins.  But He has made a way for your sins to be forgiven.  Because He loves you and cares so much for you, He provided a substitute to take that punishment in your place.  That substitute is His beloved Son, Christ Jesus, Who died on Calvary's cross for you so your sins could be forgiven.  All that's left for you to do is to confess to God that you are a sinner and accept Christ Jesus as your very own Saviour - Jesus Christ "in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace" (Ephesians 1:7).

God has given you advance warning about the coming punishment for your sins.  Have you obeyed His warnings?  "The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous [runs] into it, and is safe" (Proverbs 18:10). 

I love you all,

Thursday, December 08, 2011

Jewel # 99 (Dec 8, 2011)

"And they shall be Mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when I make up "My Jewels." 
(Malachi 3:17)
To My Dear Grandchildren

Unpredictable Lemmings of the North

"In the Lord's hand is the soul of every living thing, 
and the breath of all mankind" (Job 12:10).

In the cold, snowy, northern parts of the world, a small, furry animal called a lemming makes its home.  This plump little rodent is related to the mouse.  It is only about four or five inches long, including its stubby tail.  Most kinds have grayish or brownish fur.

Living in such cold climates, the Creator has wisely supplied lemmings with warm coats and furry feet with padded soles.  Underneath deep winter snows they live active lives, eating grass or other plants.

Early in June they come to the surface of the snow, often so many in number that they look like moving blankets.  During spring and summer, two or three litters of young are born and raised, greatly increasing their numbers.  When food becomes scarce, they become restless and begin great migrations.  At times they are so abundant that they spread out a mile or more wide, all moving, always west, as they eat.  They are good swimmers, crossing lakes and rivers as they migrate.

Hungry animals and birds, such as foxes, weasels, owls and hawks, feed on them.  The lemmings are in such great numbers that those caught are hardly missed.  However, when being chased some lemmings panic, and on reaching the ocean they plunge in and swim on westward and eventually drown.  Some remain behind, raise new families, and in a few years their numbers have greatly increased  once again.

In Canada, the lemmings live north of the Arctic circle on the mainland and on polar islands where there is vegetation underneath the snow and ice.  Although their fur is brown in summer, it changes to pure white in winter.  Eskimos use their fur to make warm clothes.

It seems sad that such pretty little animals should become the food of birds of prey and hungry animals or, in desperation, drown in ocean waters.  It was not like this in the day of their creation before sin entered the world.  Happily, God has promised a future time when this will be corrected.  The Bible says, "The creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption" even though "the whole creation groans and travails in pain together until now" (Romans 8:21-22).  When that takes place, their peaceful way of life will proclaim, "Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord" (Psalm 150:6).

That time will come after God's judgment takes place on this sinful world.  The animals will be delivered from the suffering they experience in this creation that is spoiled by man's sin.
People who have accepted Jesus as their Saviour will be taken to heaven befoe that judgment takes place and will look down with delight on the change when God makes it hapen.

Will you be among those in heaven?
You can be. 

Love you all,

Jewel # 458 (Oct. 11, 2021)

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