Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Jewel # 381 (Nov. 22, 2019)

And they shall be Mine, saith the LORD of hosts, in that day when I 
make up MY JEWELS.
Malachi 3:17 

To my dear grandchildren

Helpful Guinea Pigs

I have made the earth, the man and the beast that are upon the ground,
by My great power and by My outstretched arm.  Jeremiah 27:5

In some parts of South and Central America and Mexico, guinea pigs are considered a choice food, roasted and served with potatoes or rice.  They are inexpensive and easy to raise.  But being gentle and small as a little bunny, they are also often treated as pets and allowed to scamper around the house.  Very clean and quiet, the only noise they make is like that of a kitten, but instead of a “mew,” their call is more like “coo-ee,” and because of this they have the nickname “cuy.”

Guinea pigs come in a variety of colours—black, white, tan, brown and bluish-purple.  A full grown one in the wild weighs a pound or two, but when provided with plenty of food, they often reach four pounds.  They are cute, have no tails, rarely bite and are a favourite pet for children.  It is hard to figure how they got the word “pig” included in their name.  They are rodents and are not pig-like at all.  Instead, they are clean and pretty with soft fur, small, dark eyes and a head shaped more like a baby seal than a pig.  Often they will be heard chattering quietly in squeaky tones.

In the wild, mothers give birth to six to twelve young and only care for them for about six weeks.  After that they can take care of themselves.  Those raised commercially, along with those in private homes, total in the millions.  Since they are so popular as a food product, many natives find raising and selling them an easy way to make a living.

In North America and other parts of the world, guinea pigs are not thought of as food.  Besides being kept as pets, many are used in scientific experiments.  Scientists infect guinea pigs with diseases and then try to cure them.  This has been very helpful over the years in developing many good medicines and keeping off the market those that are harmful.  Perhaps you have heard someone say, “Don’t make a guinea pig out of me!”  What that person means is, "Don’t use me to test anything.”

As we consider the great variety of birds, fish, animals and other creatures, we are amazed at how the creator designed and provided for each species.  The Bible tells us that the Lord God had pleasure in creating each one.

Let us also remember that His special love and thoughts are toward every boy, girl, man and woman in the world.  He has promised that all who come to Him, confessing themselves to be sinners and accepting Hm as Saviour, have His promise, “Whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” John 3:16.

Is He your Saviour?

Love you all - Grandpa       

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Jewel # 380 (Nov.12, 2019)

And They shall be Mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when I make up MY JEWELS.
Malachi 3:17

To my dear grandchildren

The Manta Ray

God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which
the waters brought forth . . . after their kind.   Genesis 1:21

The manta ray is the largest member of the ray family and lives throughout the tropical seas of the world.  It measures up to 22 feet across its ”wings,” 10 feet long from head to tail, and weighs up to 3,000 pounds.  Its mouth can be 3 feet wide!  Surprisingly, it has very small teeth and is actually one of the harmless creatures of the sea, unless harassed.

This gentle giant can be found close to the shore, as well as out in the open sea where it swims almost continuously as it searches out the best feeding areas.  It feeds mostly on plankton (tiny plant and animal life) and schools of small fishes.  This majestic fish will sometimes “breach” like a whale.

A diver who saw one tells that at first he was afraid of it, but then he was surprised to find it quite friendly.  After looking the diver over, the manta ray dropped down below him, barely moving.  In a bold moment’s decision, the diver also dropped down and gently landed on the manta ray’s back with his legs spread out and his hands on its shoulders.  Soon its wings began to slowly beat, and the diver realized he was off on a trip with no idea how it would end.  But he was pleased to find he wasn’t thrown off and that the manta ray seemed to like his company.  The ride didn’t last long but was quite a thrill.

Some others have had similar experiences such as this diver had.  We hope each one was impressed with a real awareness of the wonders of God’s creation, for all the creatures of the oceans are included in the Bible verse that says, By Him were all things created . . . and He is before all things, and by Him all things continue to exist.” (Colossians 1:16-17).  

The Bible also tells all boys and girls to remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth”  Ecclesiastes 12:1 and to know Him not only as the One who created and watches over them, but as the God who loves each and every one.  He invites you to know His Son, the Lord Jesus, as your Saviour.  He died on the cross to put away the sins of all who trust Him to forgive them.  He will then accept you as one of His own children, with the promise of a heavenly home when life on earth is ended.

If you do not belong to Him yet, don’t wait any longer!  Come to Him in prayer and accept Him as your Saviour this very day.  

“Behold, now is the accepted time, behold, now is the day of salvation.”  
2 Corinthians 6:2.

Love you all - Grandpa 

Tuesday, November 05, 2019

Jewel # 379 (Nov. 4, 2019)

Proboscis Monkey                           Sichuan monkey

White-nosed Monkey

And they shall be Mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when I
make up MY JEWELS.
Malachi 3:17

To my dear grandchildren


Once in three years came the navy of Tharshish, bringing gold, 
and silver, ivory, and apes, and peacocks.  
1 Kings 10:22 

This Bible verse tells us that King Solomon included monkeys in the shipments he ordered every three years.  He must have found them interesting to watch, just as many of us do today.  Following are descriptions of three kinds of monkeys with unusual noses.

Mr. Bignose of Borneo:  The nose of the male proboscis monkey is the most noticeable thing about this red and yellow creature with big brown eyes and a hairy face.  But there is something most unusual about this monkey’s nose—it gets bigger every year!

Most of the time its big, three-inch nose hangs over its mouth, and it has to shove it out of the way so it can eat.  The babies, like mischievous youngsters, tease him by tweaking it, but he doesn’t seem to mind.

The Creator had a special purpose in this unusual feature.  As the “man of the house,” he has the responsibility of guarding his family.  When danger comes near, he blows his nose up even bigger, making a loud, honking noise, which not only warns the family but scares the enemy away.

Another nosey one: In New Guinea there is a much smaller relative, called the white-nosed.   Its prominent nose has a triangular white spot on its tip with a separate white fringe around it.  This little monkey, with pretty olive-green  and yellow fur on its back and sides, is usually playful but can be cranky at times.

It seems most happy to perform for onlookers and enjoys their applause for its variety of stunts and pranks.  But if any of its companions try to get in on the act, it angrily chases them away.

Some with tiny noses:  Three varieties of these live in China.  All look quite similar except for the colour of their fur.  These are named snub-nosed.   Their tiny noses hardly show at all because they are squeezed between bulging eyes and their thick upper lip.

The most common of the tiny-nosed monkeys is named Sichuan and has beautiful golden fur.  It lives in the mountains along with the panda bears.  The names of the other two are Guizhou and Yumman.  These monkeys are very few in number, and many people have learned to love them.

We know the Creator delighted to include these interesting animals in His creation.  We also know they are not aware of His watchful eye over them, but we are aware of His watchful eye over us.  And His love for us is far greater.  When they die, that’s the very end for them.  But there is a wonderful promise of a home in heaven for every boy and girl and man and woman who has accepted the Lord Jesus as his or her Saviour.

Will you be included with those in heaven?

Love you all - Grandpa          

Jewel # 458 (Oct. 11, 2021)

  10 popular questions about killer whales! 10 popular questions about killer whales! - "And they shall be Mine, saith the Lord  of hos...