Saturday, November 24, 2018

Jewel # 340 (Nov. 24, 2018)

“And they shall be Mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when I 
Make up MY JEWELS.”
(Malachi 3:17)

To my dear grandchildren

Ever See a Reindeer?

“Thus saith the Lord . . . I have made the earth, 
the man and the beast that are upon the ground.”
(Jeremiah 27:4-5)

Reindeer, closely related to caribou, were once wild animals in the northern parts of Scandinavia, Siberia, Greenland, Europe and Alaska.  However over the years many have been tamed by Eskimos and others who raise them in great herds.

Fully grown they are about six feet long and about four feet high at the shoulders.  Both males and females develop huge, sharp pointed antlers that are seldom used except when males are fighting each other.

Large numbers are still in the northern areas of Canada, Alaska, Greenland and other northern lands of the world.  Many are tamed by people who lead them in big herds from one area to another as seasons change.  The herdsmen lead great herds to the seacoast areas in spring where they feed on lichen (called reindeer moss) through the summer, putting on weight for cold winter months when they return inland.

An impressive sight on these treks is watching a herd swim across a wide river or lake.  All that shows above the water are their necks, heads and antlers.  An onlooker might wonder how they get across without tangling antlers with each other, but the Creator has His eyes on them and guides them safely across.

What do the herdsmen do with the reindeer?  They milk them daily, enjoy meals of reindeer meat, and use them to pull sledges.  Their furs are also used to make parkas (warm coats with attached hoods).  The people in those lands would hardly dare to venture outdoors in severe weather without parkas.  Mattresses are also made of their skin stuffed with their thick warm hairs.  Also, their skins are made into warm, comfortable mukluks (boots) for the tender feet of babies and young children, as well as adults.

The antlers of reindeer are made into handy tools.  Parts of them are also also carved into decorative items, as well as dolls and other toys for children.

It is such a task for the people of those countries to supervise these huge herds, and with access now to more modern ways of living, many wonder how long the present practices will continue.  Quite likely, before long, much of it will be discontinued, and the reindeer will just be left to care for themselves in the wild.  But we can be sure of the Creator’s kind and watchfulness eyes on them, whether cared for by people or allowed to return to the wild “on their own.”

If the tender thoughts of a kind Creator can be directed to the wild and tamed beasts, how much more is His love directed to us?  He tells us in the Bible: “I have loved thee with an everlasting love; therefore with loving kindness have I drawn thee” (Jeremiah 31:3).

Have you ever thanked Him for His great love?

Love you all - Grandpa  

Monday, November 12, 2018

Jewel # 339 (Nov. 10, 2018)

“And they shall be Mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when I
make up MY JEWELS.”
(Malachi 3:17)

To my dear Grandchildren

The Lacewing Fly

“The glory of the Lord shall endure forever: 
the Lord shall rejoice in His works.”
(Psalm 104:31)

Only about one-half inch long, the lacewing is a pretty little fly with transparent wings in pale shades of green.  It is a real friend to farmers.

When laying eggs, the female first deposits a spot of “glue” on a branch or stem of a bush.  Then, before this spot of glue hardens, she flips her tail upward, producing a long, thread-like stalk.  The stalk quickly becomes tough and hard, and she repeats this process time after time.  Then she places an egg on the top of each stalk, spacing them far enough apart so they will not eat each other when they hatch, because they are vicious, hungry little larvae. 

In about a week, the larva appears.  Cutting its way out of the egg, it slides down the smooth stalk, using its tail as a brake.   The mother fly has arranged her nest of eggs close to where aphids are feeding on a plant.  These aphids become food for the larva for about two weeks; then it is ready for a change.  Attaching itself to the underside of a leaf, it spins a thread of white silk, wrapping itself in a cocoon where it will undergo a 12-day change.  

While in the cocoon, the larva develops specially designed cutting jaws.   Using these, it slices around  the top of its cocoon, leaving a small section as a hinge and an anchor post.  Pushing the lid open, it crawls out and spins another thread on which it dangles from the anchor.  Soon its veins fill with blood, the wings dry, and it has become a full grown lacewing fly.  Now it returns to what it does best—eating aphids for the rest of its life.  As it eats away, it becomes a friend to farmers by helping protect their crops from these harmful pests.

It is interesting to see how the mother lacewing makes such careful preparations for her young: first by making the eggs look like part of a plant, and then by placing them where they will immediately find food when they come out of the eggs.  This is another example of how God has given instincts to His creatures so they may fill their part in His total plan of creation.

God’s ways with you and me are far more important than with these insects.  He has given us a conscience to remind us that we are sinners and need a Saviour.  In addition, He has given us hearts and minds capable of receiving this loving Saviour, and it is through Him and His death on the cross that we can enter heaven.  He tells us, “the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23).

Have you accepted this wonderful gift?

Love you all - Grandpa  

Jewel # 458 (Oct. 11, 2021)

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